Saturday, February 12, 2011


Here's my take on what insanity is.  It is due to a failure somewhere in the thought process.

I used to think it was something global.  As though everything goes wrong; a mind's capabilities that end up collapsing.  Nothing legit could come out of an insane person.

But, spending time with a person that may be deemed insane at times I must revise my conclusion.  First, this insanity is of a part of the mind.  In the case I saw, it was the ability to retrieve data - the memory was dying.  Interesting may be a sick word to use in context, but I'll admit that the reasoning seemed to be working perfectly.  Operating on imperfect material just completely messed up the reasoning.  Add in very short-term memory, and it's chaos.

Another thing I noticed was slipping in and out of the dream world.  Given the person was tired, this was expected.  What wasn't expected was the content within the dreams and reality to be indiscernible.  Awaking from a dream thinking that what happened in the dream applies to reality.  I guess the opposite is true as well.

Then there was complete denial of the insanity.  All the checks and balances in the person's mind told them their logic was flawless.  Even though information was incorrect, this was not detected.  Even the fatigue did not give them a hint that they might be not thinking straight...

The fatigue also added a slowness to actions.  Seconds were needed to reason about simple things, such as how to use an appliance.

Not something to wish onto anyone.  But very annoying since the person losing their marbles can not detect themselves that they have lost it.  Hurting others in their environment without realizing it...  Animosity builds within relationships...

In the end, the madness was due to lack of sleep and lack of nutrition.  Two important things, without which we may become a burden onto the world.

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