Friday, September 24, 2010

Rushing Medium AI in Starcraft II

So here I am, having fun, wondering how to quickly end a match versus the AI.  Against a medium AI to be precise.  Well; it doesn't require much effort:

Build around 3 SCV's per mineral field and 3 per Vespene Geyser.  While that is happening, build 3 barracks (each upgraded to build 2 marines at once) and sources of food (upgraded through the upgraded command center).  Now; build marines.  That means 6 marines produced simultaneously once everything is set up.  Send them into the opponents base.  They won't know what hit them.

Classic zerg rush.  Focus drones on harvesting minerals only (about 3 per mineral field), and build as many zerglings as possible using the Hive Queen to augment the number or larvae.  Don't forget to build overlords.  After the first attack, or when you have a good 20+ zerglings, send them off into the enemy base.  Game over, you win!

Rush with Zealots.  Build 3 zealot-producing buildings.  Focus all effort on minerals.  Build an expansion if you can!  Send into the enemy base about 20 zealots - watch them die off rather quickly...

I think I need to play on hard mode now...

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