Sunday, September 19, 2010

Starcraft II: First Impression of All Races

I've spent some quality time with Starcraft II today; and have a few notes on the individual races when playing against medium AIs.

The easiest to use - keep on upgrading weapons and units.  Make sure there is a constant cash flow and all will go well.  Build bunkers at choke points, a few towers to detect invisible units, missile turrets, and then it's just finding out how to destroy your enemy.  I like siege tanks.

The Zerg have the early-on advantage.  Get to the Hydralisks as fast as possible and move on to Infestors when possible.  The infestors can remain hidden underneath the ground all the time and spit out infested marines.  It's an easy, disposable, army.  Focus on taking out any units that can detect the burrowed units.  Be sure to dedicate one Queen to your Hive to maximize the number of Larvae through which units are born.

In the second-half of the game, use the burrowing capability to pick out units from the end of the line.  Normally siege-tanks are behind so to not get damaged.  Use Zerglings on them.

I enjoy the Zerg force me to think up of bizarre attack strategies - that is rather than upfront powerful units, units creep up onto the enemy and destroy them in surprise attacks.

The most powerful, however micromanagement is necessary.  Getting Carriers early can mean an early demise for opponents that have not prepared themselves for an aerial attack.

Sending a mass of Zerglings to attack some location on their own is usually a safe bet.  I found myself constantly watching battles and making sure units had shields, pulling weaker units out, etc.

Despite what I say here - the best way is to flank the AI.  That is, once the AI tries to attack the base, send in a heavy army into their base.  Raze a few buildings; and you're off to success!

The only problem I had was that the "VS. AI" button on the single player screen does not affect achievements, but playing versus the AI on the multiplayer screen gives me my achievements...  that's an interesting bug...

Also, randomly decides to log me out and prevent me from getting an achievement once a level completes...  Quite annoying, especially when I've already spent a few hours...  fortunately the game is fun on its own.

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