Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Return to Class

It has been over 5 years since I last attended a lecture within a formal class setting.  Lately, some classes in mathematics have gotten my attention, and since I don't care about the degree anymore, why not just sit in and enjoy the show?

There were two classes that I requested to sit in, and the professors were very kind and said I was welcome as long as I didn't add any work.  Fair.

Not caring whether I passed or failed, I opted to go to the more advanced course first.  In this class, the students were silent and respected the professor.  It was also a challenging class, my mind needed to work quite a bit to follow what was being said.

Even though I could follow if I put in the effort, work was looming over me so I conceded and opted to try the lower-level class.  The culture was completely different.  Throughout I heard other students talking, playing games, navigating Facebook, eating lunch, questioning the professor...  (the prof knew his stuff inside out).  There was a sense of boredom, as though similar material has been seen over and over again (set theory is, admittedly, kind of basic -- and certain concepts can be seen in other classes such as linear algebra).  I felt bad for the students who just sat there playing your colour-matching game-du-jour; they would learn just as much sitting outside (it was this high-school-esque forced attendance rather than this "I wish to learn" voluntary attendance.

Then came the stark realization; I'm better off listening to the lectures that are put out by the major universities.  Even though I enjoy having forced times, these past few times I went to the lectures my mind wasn't thinking of math but of algorithms.

And then my thirst for knowledge would follow my work habits and be satiated when my mind is focused on the subject.

Since I don't care about grades.... why not?

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