Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Issue With Trust

This is something that's been bothering me for quite a while.  What has happened past 2001.  After that time, it's as though the foundation of our society lost its way.

These are words not to be said lightly - so let me step back a few steps and explain my thoughts.

Everything we have is built on trust.  People trust schools to care for their children.  Contracts are just a legal binding to what is trust.  The bigger the project, the more you have to trust the people that build its components.  That the people are competent, and know what they're doing.

Now - let's zoom to the present.  There's fear - and trust.  Fear that we can't trust another person.

Even after that year, security was tightened as the trust was tested.  A normal reaction.  It keeps on tightening.  Yet it does nothing to our current situation...

Supermarkets are still the same.  They trust you will be loyal - and not taint the food as you walk the aisle.  They trust you won't inject something into the food - some of it not even sealed.

What will we do?  Put the food inside of vending machines so that only the employees can touch it?

Can we trust those employees?  We'll they'll need a security clearance to work at the local grocers.

Those employees seem young and untested - they haven't gone through life - why not require older employees to manage the food?  Because we can't trust anyone anymore.

What about the machine that now dispenses the food... it could be injecting poison into the food.  We need a second group to verify them.

And why not put each part of the production underneath the camera.  So that a consumer can verify that things were done proper.  However who set up the camera?  Can they be trusted?  Did they make it loop from another time? It will be very generic, standard, similar work done each time.

And we can continue down this spiral of trust.  See how troublesome it becomes.

Now closer to the heart of the issue - us regular people did not hardly change our habits.  Think of it.  The food is still promoted as it was before - as is most of the goods we purchase.

There are still cameras.  There are still guards - just more of them.

Who has the insane amounts of protection?

I'll propose that there will always be a weak spot.  Things we assume to be always safe will not be so at some point.  I haven't even talked about trusting those that make the food...  (recall the peanut fiasco - thank goodness that wasn't intentional)

Go down the current road - and for whatever we do, we'll need a security clearance.  Because anything can be dangerous in the wrong hands.

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