Saturday, March 28, 2009

Progression Towards Consciousness

While I'm aware of this, I'll write about it.  I've become more conscious of my surroundings.  I notice more things than before.

Yet, if you asked me a few years ago, I would have been quite content with my ability to assess what was going on around me.  The feeling of being at the top of the world.

However, I'm grateful for this.  Now - if I can see more than before - and before I wasn't willing to acknowledge there was more to see since I couldn't see it - that would mean I still have quite a bit of progress to do.

What type of details you ask?  Simple things that you take for granted I'm sure - at times I feel like my social skills are years behind.  For example, properly detecting another person's mood, reading expressions, and knowing how my current expression affects other people.

The last part is interesting.  I'm able to give the "no" look to others, and they avoid conversation - and by they I mean people trying to sell things at stores.  My parents always get stuck in such conversations.  If I put on my "yes" face - then they'll approach.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work when the store is empty.

Unfortunately as well, I've only discovered the latter recently - all while reading "The Rick Mercer Report: The Paperback Book".  Miracles that a smile can do.

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